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Детская городская поликлиника № 148

Департамента здравоохранения города Москвы

Лицензия: № ЛО-77-01-020321 от 27.08.2020
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Medical tourism

State budgetary institution of healthcare «Children’s city hospital №148 of the health Department of the city of Moscow» (GBUZ «DGP No. 148 DZM») is a multidisciplinary clinical and diagnostic equipment, provide specialized and primary health care children.

The structure of the clinic includes:

GBUZ «DGP No. 148 DZM» provides medical care to patients who have MHI and VHI policies, or on a commercial basis.


Medical assistance to foreign citizens temporarily staying or permanently residing in Russia, is in GBUZ «DGP No. 148 DZM» in accordance with the Decree of the RF Government dated 06.03.2016 №186 «On approval of rules of rendering of medical aid to foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation».

Emergency medical care is provided free of charge in all units of the clinic until the elimination of the threat to the patient’s life and stabilization of his health.


If the patient has a compulsory health insurance policy (MHI)

Planned outpatient medical care for foreign citizens insured under the MHI system is provided free of charge after being attached to a polyclinic.

If the patient does not have a compulsory health insurance policy (MHI)

Emergency medical care in case of sudden acute conditions and exacerbation of chronic diseases is provided to foreign citizens free of charge until the threat to the patient’s life is eliminated and his health status is stabilized.

Planned medical care for foreign citizens who are not insured under the MHI system is provided in accordance with voluntary medical insurance contracts (VHI) or on a paid basis under contracts for the provision of paid medical services.


GBUZ «DGP No. 148 DZM» planned medical care to foreign citizens who have a policy of voluntary medical insurance (VMI) of our partner LLC «MSC «medstrakh».

Prices for medical services provided by our clinic, You can see on the website of the clinic in the section «Paid services«.